I just wanted to give a little feedback about my experience in the third beta. Though I am only level twenty or so, what I have collected so far are just some simple things I guess. The game itself seems already fairly complete so that pleases me as I have followed its progress from Korea to China, and then, to the States. Needless to say, when NCSoft announced that they were bringing it overseas, I was pretty stoked!
I had played a good deal of it in Chinese but stopped around level 15 or so just because the language barrier was a bit rough and I just couldn't seem to get enough Ping even with some boosters but that's because I practically live on the opposite side of the world.
Anyway, the first thing I have is the game client. I am not sure if anyone else has this problem but typically, when I log in and go to play, it verifies repair files and sometimes stalls in the download.
It gets stuck at 1% at like 85kb so I never see the progress bar. Sometimes I have to restart but other times, the game opens instantaneously. I know my internet service is not a factor as I affirm the connection every time it stalls, so it's just something to note I guess, and not too big cheap bns gold of a deal.
The next thing has to do with the skin and hair color options. I feel like the palettes are just a bit bland but I suppose I am typically spoiled with the option of color sliders rather than general hue slots. Otherwise, the character creation is phenomenal. I buy bladeandsoul gold find it to be one of my favorite things to do when I look into a good game like Blade and Soul. Graphics and play style are a big thing for me so when it comes down to customization, I can sit there for an hour trying to achieve my own personal smexeh beast~ ;p